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Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Research on ED evaluation and treatment, regardless of its etiology, suggests that psychological (e.g., depression, anxiety), spouse- or partner-related, situational factors, and daily life stressors are the most common reasons for psychogenic ED. When a man is unable to sustain or achieve an erection hard enough to penetrate inside a vagina, is known to be suffering from erectile dysfunction. Unlike organic causes such as vascular problems or hormonal imbalances, PED (Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction) is often associated with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or past traumatic experiences. Psychologists play a crucial role in understanding and treating PED, offering therapeutic interventions that can help individuals regain control over their sexual health.

psychogenic erectile dysfunction treatment

There is a strong association between depressed mood and sexual functioning. This association is seen as bidirectional, that is, "depressed affect can impair sexual arousal and cause ED, while decreased sexual activity and lack of satisfaction with one's sexual life can trigger depressive symptoms". The use of antidepressants can negatively affect sexual life i.e. Weak erections and lower libido for sex. The association between anxiety and ED has also been investigated, and men with the problem have higher levels of anxiety than sexually healthy men. Panic disorder and anxiety related to sexual performance are associated with impotency. Some major factors preserving the problem for months or even years are: 


  • Sexual performance anxiety

  • Unrealistic expectations for sexual performance (e.g. expecting a man to be always ready for sex even without  feeling sexual desire) 

  • The tension between the two partners, within a low-quality relationship

  • The female partner's sexual dysfunction. The man's problem often triggers sexual problems to the female partner (e.g. low sexual desire and difficulty to get sexual arousal)

  • Stressful daily routine (the couple finds no time to spend together  so as to get closer to each other)

  • Stress and depressive symptoms perpetuate and exacerbate the erectile problem. 

Dealing With ED Diagnosis and Treatment


When coping with ED, communication with your partner is key, says Held. In many cases, men don’t want to talk about erectile dysfunction when it happens, but not talking about it can negatively impact their sexual relationships. “It’s very important for couples to discuss the issue,” says Held. Communicating enables both partners to confront their feelings about ED, and work together to solve the problem.

A proactive attitude toward erectile dysfunction is crucial and can make a significant difference in how it’s handled. “Almost all men have ED at some point,” says Held. “It’s how they deal with it that counts.” One of the best options for ed treatment in India is available at Curewell Therapies.

For couples dealing with ED, Held suggests focusing on the moment and connecting with each other during lovemaking instead of fixating on the penis. “Couples need to take the emphasis off intercourse and concentrate on giving and receiving pleasure. It’s also important for a man to realize that he is not his penis. They need to remember that it’s almost always a temporary problem and that there are lots of ways to treat erectile dysfunction. As with depression, the relationship between ED and anxiety is likely bidirectional. A man who is excessively worried about his ability to achieve an erection is distracted from arousal and, as a result, may have diminished erectile function. This becomes a vicious feedback loop where negative sexual experiences lead to a  lack of self-esteem or increased anxiety that perpetuates subsequent negative sexual experiences.

Let a good Psychosexologist like Rishabh Bhola help you recover from past failures and take a step on a path towards better sexual health.

psychogenic ed treatment in India

The Role of Psychologists:

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: Psychologists play a key role in conducting a comprehensive assessment to identify the underlying psychological factors contributing to PED. This may involve interviews, psychological questionnaires, and collaboration with medical professionals to rule out any organic causes.

  2. Individual Therapy: One-on-one therapy sessions provide a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore and address the psychological aspects of their erectile dysfunction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is commonly used to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to sex, performance, and self-image.

  3. Couples Therapy: Relationship issues are often intertwined with PED. Psychologists may involve partners in the therapeutic process to address communication problems, enhance intimacy, and foster a supportive environment. Couples therapy can improve overall relationship satisfaction and contribute to the resolution of sexual difficulties.

  4. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Stress and anxiety can significantly contribute to PED. Psychologists may teach individuals relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and stress-management strategies to help reduce anxiety levels and promote a more positive sexual experience.

  5. Education and Psycho-education: Psychologists provide education about sexual functioning, normalizing the conversation around sex, and debunking myths that may contribute to performance anxiety. Psychoeducation helps individuals develop a healthier understanding of sexuality and fosters a more positive attitude towards sexual experiences.

  6. Addressing Underlying Trauma: For individuals with a history of sexual trauma, psychologists use trauma-informed approaches to address and process past experiences. This may involve therapies such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or other trauma-focused interventions.

  7. Mediation with Medical Professionals: Collaboration between psychologists and medical professionals is crucial in addressing PED comprehensively. Psychologists can work alongside urologists and other healthcare providers to ensure a holistic approach to treatment, addressing both psychological and physiological aspects of the condition.

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